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Month: August 2015

Farms & Castles

So on Saturday, I accidentally wound up being stuck in a car for a grand total of just over 4 hours, unexpectedly. It’s a long story, but basically Google Maps sent us to the wrong city, so after driving an hour we realized we were an hour and a half from where we needed to be.

Luckily for me, I was the passenger and I filled most of that time playing games on my iPhone so I wouldn’t go insane. I spent a surprisingly long time playing Farms & Castles.

It’s a pretty straight-forward puzzle matching type game. Three bushes turn into a tree, three trees into a forest, three forests into a farm, and so on and so forth. You lose when you run out of space to put new things in.

Farms & Castles is everything a Freemium game should be, I’m pretty impressed by how unobtrusive it is compared to some other mobile games I play. You can spend some cash to buy magic orbs (they do things like clear a spot, transform stone/wood items, and act as a matching piece) if you really want to, but you can earn the gold to buy them in-game and it’s not really necessary to buy them. There is the occasional after you’ve made X amount of moves, but it’s not a video or anything like that, so it’s not really that annoying.

All in all, it’s a cute game (I like the graphics) that kills some time without annoying me. I love a game like that!

I Should Be Gaming

Whew! Setting up an online presence is a lot of work.

Had to set up the blog. Had to set up a Twitter account. Had to make a Facebook page. A YouTube channel. A channel. All this so that I can make videos of me playing video games to show all of you, but the funny thing is that I had to stop gaming to do all that, and now I’m exhausted.

I still have more things to do; I need more gamer appropriate header images for all the aforementioned sites. But I’ve worked enough for one day, and now I really want to go play The Sims.